Sunday, September 18, 2016

Character In Us All

This week at UA, we will have an all staff professional development opportunity on the half day (Wednesday, September 21).  Please make sure that you sign up ASAP (if you have not done so); it was due Friday.  Your sign-up helps us plan appropriately for the number of sessions and the topics to offer.  

Character Flashback...

Take a moment to view the video clip below from Lonnie Moore (character ed speaker this year).  This clip is from the presentation to parents, but it can certainly be applicable in our classrooms.

What are you?  How does this impact your reactions and interactions at school and in your classroom?

Monday, September 5, 2016

We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do!

Spirit Week and Homecoming are exciting events in the lives of our students this week.  Participating in Spirit Week let's your students know you are involved in the life of the school.  Plus, students get a chance to see the adults acting (and looking) silly.  Have fun with the students!  

Thanks to those of you who came out to the Varsity Football game against CATA.  Great turn out for the tailgate!  Next tailgate is Friday night against South Davidson for the Homecoming game!