Sunday, August 28, 2016

Kids Deserve Us

Union Academy will be presented with the National School of Character Award on Monday, August 29, 2016.  Being awarded this is an incredible honor for our school, its founders, faculty/staff, students, parents, and community.  Our kids deserve it, and they deserve seeing us as role models for character.  Make sure to share this celebration on your social media...tell the world how great Union Academy is!  #WeAreUA #GotCharacter? #CARROTPI

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Why You Do What You Do

We have a great week ahead of us this week.  I continue to see exciting lessons and activities happening in the middle school classes.  As I and other administrators continue classroom walk-throughs, we want to provide immediate feedback; therefore, you will notice that you will get an email as soon as the walk-through is completed.  If you have questions about the feedback, please see the observer for more details.

Reflection for Rejuvenation...

With the hustle and bustle, shifting and moving, planning and, let's face it, chaos of any school during the first month of school, it is important to focus on why we are here.  Why do we chose Union Academy, teaching, coaching, helping students learn?  Sometimes it is most important to focus on ways to make the lesson relevant to our students (even if it means changing up the way we've always done things).  Dare to be innovated.  Most of all, remember why you chose teaching and/or choose to stay.  We are UA because of you!
Burpees, Squats, and Planks, Oh My...

If you aren't into fitness, exercise, and sweating, steer clear of Mr. McGinnis' PE classes.  Mr. McGinnis' 6th grade PE classes are focusing on a fitness based approach to the standards.  Students will learn life-long fitness strategies to be healthier, happier, and more productive students.  In fact, Mr. McGinnis has partnered with Mrs. Houser's 6th grade ELA class to study the impact a fitness based PE class has on the performance in ELA classes.  As you can see below, Mr. McGinnis has combined technology with his lessons to get students involved and track progress.  Students use Go Pro videos and heart rate monitors to track the data needed for the study.  The results from each class period generate reports that include active heart rates, minutes active, etc.  Stop by and check out a class.  I'm sure he'd be happy to have more "students" doing burpees.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Remember to Smile

Week 3 is in the books, and there are exciting activities happening in UA's middle school.  Remember to check out UA's main calendar (on the website) for all of the activities happening this week.  

Learn by Doing...

As you know, Mrs. Rushing has jumped right into the role of Experiential Learning Coach.  Students are enjoying the conversations, problem solving, and hands on experiences that this time with Mrs. Rushing allows.  Make sure you touch base with Mrs. Rushing to carry the content from experiential learning into your classroom.  

Music To Our Ears...

Union Academy middle school students are fortunate to have the opportunity to join our first ever orchestra.  Ms. Lachenmyer has the orchestra students off to a wonderful start, and we can't wait to hear what they have learned.  Keep up the good work!

Self-reflection Through Art...

Mrs. Ferguson's middle school arts students have been busy creating self-portraits.  After they created the portrait, they added a tissue paper overlay for added creativity.  We've certainly got some budding artists in the middle school.  

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Welcome Back To School, Cardinals!

Let me begin by saying that I am extremely excited to begin the new school year as your principal.  The middle school is off to a great start, and I have enjoyed getting to see what is happening in your classrooms.  I'd like to use this blog to highlight the middle school students and teachers as well as to discuss topics in education and happenings at Union Academy. 

Delicious Lessons in 8th grade...
Mr. Cobb and Mrs. Malone's 8th grade Social Studies classes are studying North Carolina and its regions.  Stepping outside of traditional assignments, the teachers had students create North Carolina with cookies.  Students enjoyed baking at home with their families and sharing the new information with their classmates.  Great job, Mr. Cobb and Mrs. Malone! #CookieStateofMind

Media/Collaboration Center is Full of Life...
If you haven't gotten a chance to use the media/collaboration center, please schedule a time with Mrs. Jeffcoat.  She would love for the middle school students to check out books, use the resources, and collaborate with one another.  We've even used the space for band practice in the afternoons when the temperatures are just too high.  #BeatTheHeat #MusicAndMedia