Sunday, August 7, 2016

Welcome Back To School, Cardinals!

Let me begin by saying that I am extremely excited to begin the new school year as your principal.  The middle school is off to a great start, and I have enjoyed getting to see what is happening in your classrooms.  I'd like to use this blog to highlight the middle school students and teachers as well as to discuss topics in education and happenings at Union Academy. 

Delicious Lessons in 8th grade...
Mr. Cobb and Mrs. Malone's 8th grade Social Studies classes are studying North Carolina and its regions.  Stepping outside of traditional assignments, the teachers had students create North Carolina with cookies.  Students enjoyed baking at home with their families and sharing the new information with their classmates.  Great job, Mr. Cobb and Mrs. Malone! #CookieStateofMind

Media/Collaboration Center is Full of Life...
If you haven't gotten a chance to use the media/collaboration center, please schedule a time with Mrs. Jeffcoat.  She would love for the middle school students to check out books, use the resources, and collaborate with one another.  We've even used the space for band practice in the afternoons when the temperatures are just too high.  #BeatTheHeat #MusicAndMedia

Your move...
Union Academy is fortunate to have received a large, outdoor chess game for the students.  A checker board is in the process of being installed as well.  Students have already gravitated to the game during lunches.  If you want to try to win a game or learn how to play, join them during the lunches.  #Winning

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